Painting and creating things for what seems like eons. Using various mediums I create a beautiful and dilapidated view on existence. Being urged to use my mind to recreate stories and fables during my years of homeschooling as a child molded my fascination with the unknown and the power of suggestion. Mythology and symbolism help tell stories about our history; past, present and future. There are secrets hidden throughout my pieces. With the utilization of symbols, words, colors, lines, brushstrokes, and things of this nature, you can start to see parts of my mind that I hide from this sometimes harsh reality. The utilization of death and the macabre in my work is to address our own fears. Once as I lay on my near deathbed and the image of the skull I Paint frequently was pulsating through my brain. In my nightmarish, sedated, state I was no longer afraid of death. I had already been painting graffiti prior to this instance for many years and incorporated this into my pieces. Although some work may be non representational, I try to convey the same vehemence my other work displays.